Radio Frequency (RF) Skin Tightening Facial

$225 per session

$620 for a package of 3

$1215 for a package of 6



  • Radio frequency skin tightening, or RF treatment, is a non-invasive procedure that trained technicians do in their spa. The technician will use a wand that is connected to a machine that creates radio waves. They will pass the wand over your body to apply radio waves to your skin.

    The waves give off heat that prompts your skin to produce more collagen and elastin. The treatment also speeds up cell turnover, so the skin gets firmer and thicker over time.

    The process can take approximately 30 to 90 minutes, depending on how much skin you are having treated. The treatment will leave you with minimal discomfort.

  • This is a no pain, no downtime after treatment. It feels like a cooling massage and there is an immediate cool sensation followed by a warm sensation. Occasionally, a static feeling may be felt.

  • You may start seeing some results immediately after the treatment. In general, a series of 4 to 6 treatments scheduled at 2-week intervals is enough to improve your skin’s condition. Best results come with supplemental sun protection and a good daily-care skin tightening treatment regimen.

  • You may return to your normal activities immediately, as there is usually no downtime. Minimal redness or mild sensitivity may occur but it usually disappears shortly after the treatment.

  • Along with effectively lifting and tightening tissues without surgery or downtime, one of the greatest benefits of RF treatments, when performed correctly, is that post-procedure recovery is very quick and easy.

    Side effects are typically minimal and short-lived, limited to mild and temporary swelling, redness, and tingling, depending on the treatment.

    RF treatments can also be performed safely in tandem with microneedling, or other minimally-invasive treatments.

  • Radio frequency skin tightening is considered safe and effective. The procedure is approved for reducing the appearance of wrinkles through skin tightening.

    Like any form of energy, RF has the capacity to produce heat and works by heating the skin’s deeper layers to induce new collagen and elastin production and encourage cell turnover, helping skin become firmer, thicker, and more youthful-looking. It is a safe procedure, but as with all skin treatments there are limitations and risks based on individual skin differences and conditions. Consult your service provider prior to starting RF.


Before and After Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Treatments